Upcoming Events

The 9th Annual Meeting of the Danish RNA Society will be held on 25.10.2024!

 The meeting is a one-day gathering that draws participation from approximately 150 scientists across all career stages. It serves as a platform for RNA scientists in Denmark, both from academia and industry, to share research findings, stay updated on emerging trends and methodologies, and build meaningful collaborations.



You can now register for the meeting (registration deadline is Oct, 1st 2024): https://danish-rna-society.nemtilmeld.dk/7/


Posters and selected talks:

Participants are encouraged to present their research through posters. From all submitted abstracts, approx. 5 will be selected for a talk. Depending on the number of submissions, all or a selection of posters will be presented at the meeting. All presenters, poster and talk, will be notified.

Until the Sep 25, 2024 you can submit your abstract here: https://events.au.dk/9thannualrnasocietymeeting-abstractsubmission

Before uploading your abstract, make sure that you have completed the registration for the meeting on NemTilmeld. Only abstract submissions from registered participants will be taken under consideration.



A detailed program will be announced shortly.


Conference dinner:

For an additional fee of 400 DKK (non-refundable) you can sign up for the conference dinner following the meeting (7 pm). The location will be announced soon.

