
Welcome to the Danish RNA Society

Apr 11, 2018

Danish RNA Society Club

2018-04-23 at Mærsk Tower, Blegdamsvej 3, 15th Floor, room 07.15.92


16.15 Collecting point at the main entrance on Blegdamsvej for people not having a  KU card

16.30 Intro and meeting agenda

16.45 1st talk by Axel Thieffry (PhD, Brodersen Lab/Sandelin Lab), "Waves of rapid-reacting promoters in the innate immunity response i A. thaliana"

17.15 2nd talk by Lars Scharff (Postdoc, Poul Erik Jensen's Lab), "RNA features influencing translation initiation and regulation"

17.45 3rd Talk by Lasse Lindahl (Professor Emeritus), "Balancing the numbers of ribosomal subunits"

18.15 Final remarks, next date announcement

18.30 Drinks & snacks